Karen Baker

CEO at shipperhq


I've been interested in IT since a young age writing my first programs aged 9. My passion for IT hasn't waned since those days, I just have a little more experience now! I am the founder of 2 great products - WebShopApps and ShipperHQ. We specialise in Shipping Rate calculation and manipulation, specifically around the eCommerce space pre-order. On Magento we have been Gold Technology Partners since 2011, and have over 70K customers using our software. We are integrated into the core of Bigcommerce, being their only Shipping Rate solution outside their base functionality. If you are a logistics provider or an eCommerce platform you should be integrated into ShipperHQ. If you are involved the checkout/cart/shipping process in any way be that an ERP solution, WMS, TMS, Inventory solution, etc, etc then you should be integrated with us! Originally from the UK I moved to the US in 2013, and now reside in Austin, Texas. My background is in the corporate world, nowhere near the world I now frequent of eCommerce, startups and web designers. I believe this gives me a relatively unique ability to understand the needs of both small and large companies, and look at how best to provide the maximum value.