Driss Lamrani



Driss is President and Chief Executive Officer at A2IM-ROBOTADVISORS. He was the Head of Robotadvisor and A.I. at La Française Group, after advising New Alpha Asset Management CEO on systemic risks management. Before returning to Paris, Driss was the founder and the CEO of Augmented Intelligence Investment Research Ltd. (A2IR), a venture combining breakthrough technology and investment research. A2IR advised top tier Chief Investment Strategists and CIOs. Driss was senior strategist for the renowned global macro fund of GLG Partners. He spend the beginning of his career actuarial consultant then moved to financial analyst then engineering for financial institutions (regulatory, accounting, tax); Driss worked previously with investment banks including Credit Suisse, Credit Lyonnais and Credit Agricole-CIB. Driss is engineer of l’Ecole Centrale Paris and C.I.I.A.