Neil Patel

CEO at Crazyegg


Neil Patel co-founded Crazy Egg in 2005. 300,000 websites use Crazy Egg to understand what’s working on their website (with features like Heatmaps, Scrollmaps, Referral Maps, and User Recordings), fix what isn’t (with a WYSIWYG Editor), and test new ideas (with a robust A/B Testing tool). We talk a lot about improving your website conversion rates on the Crazy Egg blog, but do you want to know the simple truth? Optimizing your website for conversions is step two. Knowing how to get traffic to your website is step one. To put it more bluntly: Your conversion rate doesn’t really matter if you don’t have any traffic to begin with. Once you’re getting a fair amount of traffic to your website, you can optimize your content and pages based on the behavior patterns of your target audience. That’s step two. But as they say, you have to walk before you can run. Today, you’ll learn how to get traffic to your website.