Arup Roy-Burman

CEO at Elemeno Health


Pediatric intensivist interested in healthcare delivery in the inpatient setting, with focus on interprofessional workforce engagement and standardization of best practices; training of physician resident and fellows; medical transport; improvement in the regional delivery of pediatric critical care. Interested in quality improvement in/through physician-physician communication, both internally and in transport/outreach. An innovator in technology, he has pioneered efforts to engage frontline staff through social gamification to improve quality. Specific medical interests in the management of respiratory failure (through extra-corporeal life support/ECLS/ECMO), renal replacement therapy, sepsis, encephalitis, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. Active in international health, through the Board of Directors in a 501(c)3 non-profit, promoting the development of self-sufficient medical programs throughout the developing world, while encouraging US physician volunteer efforts abroad. In 2016, this experience led to the founding of UCSF startup Elemeno Health, the first cloud-based just-in-time support solution designed specifically for frontline healthcare teams. Transform institutional knowledge into actual frontline practice, and make implementation and scale easy. Reduce variability, increase consistency, and improve outcomes.