Charlotte Hunter

CEO at Sellbeing


I'm the Founder and CEO of On Site Wellbeing Co and we've been providing workplace wellbeing solutions for hundreds of companies across the UK for over 18 years. We specialise in the strategy, planning and delivery of workplace wellbeing programmes. Our holistic approach focuses on supporting the physical, mental and social wellbeing of your employees and our programmes include nutrition, stress management, mental health awareness, mindfulness, yoga, pilates and fitness, health screening and workplace massage amongst others. We deliver on site wellbeing days, weeks and annual programmes and many of our services are also delivered online. We have clients large and small in many different industries including computer software, advertising & PR, accountancy, IT, consulting and business services, banking, healthcare, even aerospace. My mission is to help improve the health and wellbeing of the nation’s workforce and, in turn, help employers to reduce absenteeism and staff turnover whilst improving staff performance, productivity and engagement.