Damon Fieldgate

CEO at SiteLock


28+ years in sales, marketing and operations with local, national and international companies; 18+ years General Management PL experience; 15+ years in that capacity with public listed companies. Developed and executed an arsenal of leadership and growth strategies achieving positive outcomes in competitive, demanding and challenging markets. Focused on staff and the customer experience as paramount to achieving goals for the organisation. Sets the vision and provides strong leadership through leading, directing and managing large teams across geographically disbursed regions with cultural sensitivities. Develops entrepreneurial teams driven by results outcomes and promotes long term business relationships with customers. Detailed experience in Mergers and Acquisitions from due diligence to business integration, managing behaviour and cultural change whilst maintaining sales and profit momentum. Experience from a retail banking and finance to being involved in technology start-ups, being a pioneer of internet ecommerce in Australia (www.carsales.com.au), and IT services. Specialties: As an experienced Senior Executive I: • Set and hold the purpose, vision and belief in success. • Promote the purpose, vision and belief into reality through directing and managing resources and perceptions. • Defend these from distractions and detractors, both internally and externally.