Marcello Ladeira

CEO at Siteware


Professional with over 20 years of experience in the IT sector, having served as a Leader, Project Manager and Executive Director in the companies he helped to found. From the beginning, he directed his career towards the construction of systems initially known as EIS (Executive Information Systems), renamed CPM (Corporate Performance Management) by Gartner in 2001. Here in Brazil, the term that best describes this type of system, being also adopted by management consultancy companies such as Falconi and Instituto Áquila, it is Management for Results. As a complement to his training in Computer Science (PUC-MG), he sought to deepen his knowledge of Marketing (MBA-UNA), Business Management (PDD-FDC) and Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Stanford-CA). Since 2011, he has worked with IT class entities in Minas Gerais, seeking to structure an environment that favors the generation of business and the strengthening of companies in the sector in the State. As CEO at Siteware, he leads a cohesive team, aligned and aware of the challenges related to the construction of the best products to support Management for Results in the market. Specializations: Performance indicators, strategic planning, innovation, entrepreneurship, project management, analysis methods and problem solving, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), environmental licensing, management by guidelines (GPD), Total Quality Management (TQM), shock management.