Martin Lanik

CEO at Global Assessor Pool


Martin Lanik is author of the business bestseller The Leader Habit and CEO of Pinsight. His habit-forming leadership training focuses on 5-minute practice sessions woven throughout the day. Martin’s research-based formula has helped thousands of high-potentials, managers, directors, and executives in 30 countries build stronger leadership skills. More than 100 companies - including AIG and CenturyLink – have implemented his programs, which received awards from Chief Learning Officer and Brandon Hall. Martin’s work has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Chief Learning Officer, Talent Economy, and He has appeared on multiple radio shows and podcasts, including Secrets of Success, The Business Creators Radio Show, Business Insanity Talk Radio, Work That Matters, Business Leadership Podcast, 2Questions.TV, and Small Business Advocate. Martin has contributed articles to outlets like Chief Executive, Business Management Daily, HR People + Strategy, and