Rafael Bueno

CEO at TeamCulture


More than 15 years of experience in the technology startup environment, acting as a consultant for large companies such as XP Investimentos, Porto Seguro, CVC, Livelo, LuizaLabs, and more. Helping in the process of cultural and digital transformation, building and leading teams of multifunctional products for the delivery of digital products and businesses. Rafael Bueno is the Co-founder and CEO of TeamCulture, they help companies to measure the culture and engagement of employees in real-time. Their purpose is to help companies build an incredible work environment, really delivering results with purpose. https://teamculture.com.br Rafael is also the Co-founder of Digitalrocketz. They believe that the quickest way to learn is with those who have already done it, preparing companies and professionals for the future. https://digitalrocketz.com.br