Rohan Jacob

CEO at TimeSaved


Over the last two decades he have worn many hats in technology including back end developer, hardware support, sales and, more recently, management. TimeSaved was born out of his passion for people, technology and the future of work. If you're a staffing agency owner he love to connect and learn about your business challenges. Recruiters feel free to drop him a line and tell him what you wish technology would do for you. The way they interact with our world has dramatically changed over the last decade - from the way we shop, hail a taxi, book a vacation or even find a date. Although technology hasn't yet had the same impact on the world of work, there has been a shift. He work with staffing agencies and companies who want to capitalize on this shift by adopting new ways to engage with their workforce. How did he get here? In 2015 the company he worked for, a subsidiary of Best Buy, closed. Being given the opportunity to run the largest store in the company, a $35m business with just under a hundred employees, he had plenty of experience with hiring, training and developing people. Over the years he have been fortunate to work with a diverse group of awesome people and when the company closed its doors he saw a gap in the solutions aimed at helping so called ‘blue collar’ workers transition to new roles. With his extensive tech background he knew that with AI, robotics and innovation, the pace of disruption would only accelerate as would the number of people impacted. Through three different models and with the help of a lot of people smarter than he is, he have found that the best way forward for me is to work with the experts in the industry - staffing agencies. Microsoft has sponsored them and they are now working with IBM using Watson to solve these important challenges. He is always looking for like-minded people so feel free to drop him a line if any of the above resonates with you.