Ryan O'Donnell

CEO at Replyify


Ryan’s insatiable curiosity led to the co-founding of Let’s Gift It ( which recently completed a data driven business pivot into Sociagram ( Ryan recently moved from New York to Lakewood where the company is poised to grow with a new investment from JumpStart (March 2013). Prior to co-founding Let’s Gift It, Ryan held management positions at several Web start-ups, including Right Media, a company that revolutionized the online advertising exchange marketplace and was acquired by Yahoo! in 2007 for $860 million. Ryan holds a degree in Marketing with an International Business concentration from Kent State University and has over 10 years of experience building online technologies and marketplaces. father, husband, lakewood, CLE, brooklyn, @sociagram, ex-yahoo, entrepreneur, hustle, life-hacker, barterer, thrower of spirals, winter bowler, summer golfer.