Sahara Josephinw-Hjorths

CEO at CanopyLAB


My passion is designing virtual learning experiences that empower people, regardless of their background, to become the person they are supposed to be. Through CanopyLAB, I help unlock learners’ potential across the globe - from refugee camps to board rooms. Since the pandemic hit us like a shockwave, we have helped over 200 schools transition to digital and have spoken to nearly 22,000 teachers. They tell a powerful and often overlooked narrative of what it feels like to be a teacher during COVID-19. I am incredibly proud that we have stepped up to help teachers navigate transitioning to remote teaching through the free learning channel TeacherLAB. When we first launched CanopyLAB, investors would ask me how I dared to believe that I could build an AI-powered learning platform since I am not an engineer. They found it audacious that I had a vision of making the “self-building course” or a platform where the course creation process is automated: From course summaries to developing a pedagogical exercise (like a learning journal, a brainstorm or a debate). After we built it, no one has questioned our ability or dedication to helping course designers spend their time well - through automating some of the less inspiring parts of creating digital learning experiences. I am incredibly passionate about advancing opportunities for minorities in terms of access to education and capital. I work tirelessly with many dynamic interest groups and individuals through incredible initiatives such as Unconventional Ventures and The Confederation of Danish Industry.