Toni Fadnes

CEO at eDrilling


Career Summary: Accomplished leader in companies and teams operating in diverse competitive environments. Highly committed and motivated to take organization, people, growth and objectives to a higher level. As General Manager Consumer & Online, leading the (r)evolution to a consumer oriented organizational culture, building the foundation for future growth. As BMO, achieved transforming Microsoft Norway sub from a perennial middle-roader to a high-performing organisation (growth, practices, talent). Key contributor to Microsoft's consumer strategy, operational framework and vision. Career Objectives: Developing and leading organisations, systems and strategies together with great people in a world-changing company. CEO, General Manager, and any international position requiring leadership, deep insight and vision, are attractive options. Specialties: Strengths include building organizational systems and people for growth and innovation, establishing and operationalizing vision, and hiring and growing talent. Leadership, sales & marketing, business operations, innovation, and organizational development.