The Helper Bees revenue hit $48.5M in 2024

The Helper Bees generates revenue from customers

The Helper Bees

Austin, Texas, United States

About Company RevenueTeamFounder/CEOCEO Net Worth

How The Helper Bees hit $48.5M revenue with a 190 person team in 2023.

The Helper Bees (THB) is an innovative insurtech company dedicated to enhancing the home care experience for both payers and care recipients. Operating at the intersection of technology and healthcare, THB partners with some of the world's largest insurance carriers. The company's mission is to deliver transformative experiences through the digitization of the care process, providing access to superior care options, and leveraging advanced machine learning techniques. These technological solutions are employed to enable intelligent care matching, as well as to streamline and improve the efficiency of claims analytics and processing. By focusing on these areas, The Helper Bees aims to significantly improve the quality of care for recipients while also optimizing the operational efficiencies for insurance providers, ultimately transforming the landscape of home health care insurance.






2023 Revenue







The Helper Bees Revenue

In 2023, The Helper Bees revenue run rate hit $48.5M in revenue.

  • 2023

    The Helper Bees hit $48.5M in revenue in 2023

  • 2015

    The Helper Bees launched in 2015 with $0 revenue

The Helper Bees Funding History

No funding has been reported for The Helper Bees yet.


The Helper Bees has 190 total employees.

Total team size 190

Founder / CEO

Char Hu


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The Helper Bees Executives

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Char Hu CEO - -

The Helper Bees Employees

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Char Hu CEO - -

Frequently Asked Questions about The Helper Bees

  • When was The Helper Bees founded?

    The Helper Bees was founded in 2015.

  • How much revenue does The Helper Bees generate?

    The Helper Bees generates $48.5M in revenue.

  • Who is the CEO of The Helper Bees

    The CEO of The Helper Bees is Char Hu.

  • How much funding does The Helper Bees have?

    The Helper Bees raised $19M.

  • How many employees does The Helper Bees have?

    The Helper Bees has 190 employees.

  • Where is The Helper Bees headquarters?

    The Helper Bees is headquartered at Austin, Texas, United States

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