Carl Sanders-Edwards

CEO at JumpShift Development Ltd


Carl is the Founder of JumpShift, and his focus is on improving the effectiveness of organizations through more motivated and productive people. Carl has over 15 years experience of improving organisational performance through defining their identities and developing strategies. Carl has worked at Accenture and Rightmove.co.uk, as well as founding businesses of his own – Browniepoints.co.nz and boutique strategy consulting company Real Consulting. Carl won the 2010 Platinum-Triangle Fulbright Scholar in Entrepreneurship and holds an MBA from Babson College in Boston, USA, where he graduated top of his class. He also has a Bachelor of Technology (Hons.) from Massey University, NZ, and was awarded the 2011 Massey University Distinguished Young Alumni. Outside of work, Carl does all he can to be in salt water – fishing it, surfing it or diving in it.