Jason Smith

CEO at Klue


Sales and marketing centric business guy. Co-founder, investor and/or early employee of four start-ups (two successes, one still grinding, one non-starter). Advisor and consultant to early stage companies. Stint as a VP at Electronic Arts. Has led product development teams, services teams, sales teams and marketing teams ranging in sizefrom a few rockstars to hundreds of employees. Success in attracting/picking/growing talent. Track record of shaping rough ideas/initiatives into successful ventures. Key roles include President, Vision Critical, a global market research software leader, and co-founder of Columbus Group, a digital agency pioneer acquired by TELUS (NYSE: TU). In 2011, at 40, my wife and I hit the reset button, bought 4 round-the-world plane tickets and travelled the world for a year with our kids. Check out the YT video @ youtube.com/onemoresmith. Now incubating two start-ups and and advising early stage companies like Strutta and Mobify.