CircuitHub revenue hit $546.3K in 2024

CircuitHub generates revenue from customers


South Deerfield, Massachusetts, United States

About Company RevenueTeamFounder/CEOCEO Net Worth

How CircuitHub hit $546.3K revenue with a 29 person team in 2023.

Developer of a scalable electronics manufacturing software designed to fix rapid electronics prototyping. The company's software abstracts the entire circuit board production process from logistics to factory operations into an easy to use, web interface and provides instant quotes on parts, pcb and assembly from 1 to 10,000 units as well as faster turnaround times and better costs, enabling companies producing self driving cars, satellites, 3D printers, robotics & more to rapidly prototype electronics and get to market faster.






2023 Revenue







CircuitHub Revenue

In 2023, CircuitHub revenue run rate hit $546.3K in revenue.

  • 2023

    CircuitHub hit $546.3K in revenue in 2023

  • 2021

    CircuitHub hit $469.3K in revenue in 2021

  • 2011

    CircuitHub launched in 2011 with $0 revenue

CircuitHub Funding History

No funding has been reported for CircuitHub yet.


CircuitHub has 29 total employees and 6 sales reps that carry a quota. an engineering team of 20 and a marketing team of 1.

Total team size 29
Engineer 20 (69%)
Sales 6 (21%)
Marketing 1 (3%)

Founder / CEO

Andrew Seddon


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CircuitHub Executives

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Andrew Seddon CEO [email protected] -

CircuitHub Employees

Name Position Working Email Personal Email
Andrew Seddon CEO [email protected] -

Frequently Asked Questions about CircuitHub

  • When was CircuitHub founded?

    CircuitHub was founded in 2011.

  • How much revenue does CircuitHub generate?

    CircuitHub generates $546.3K in revenue.

  • Who is the CEO of CircuitHub

    The CEO of CircuitHub is Andrew Seddon.

  • How much funding does CircuitHub have?

    CircuitHub raised $2.1M.

  • How many employees does CircuitHub have?

    CircuitHub has 29 employees.

  • Where is CircuitHub headquarters?

    CircuitHub is headquartered at South Deerfield, Massachusetts, United States

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